Beyond Google Ads: Exploring Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon Ads
Aug 08, 2024
By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach & Navah Hopkins, PPC Speaker & Optmyzr Brand Evangelist
Are you ready to expand your advertising beyond Google Ads? I spoke with Google Ads Expert Navah Hopkins to get her take on Microsoft Ads, Meta Ads, and Amazon Ads. She shared some of their unique features and how they can complement your Google Ads strategy.
Performance Max: A Secret Weapon for Microsoft Ads
Performance Max, Google's automated campaign type, is designed to maximize conversions by optimizing across various channels. But did you know that Microsoft Ads has its own version of Performance Max with a secret weapon? Unlike Google, Microsoft's Performance Max can optimize for clicks if there aren't enough conversions, making it a viable option for businesses struggling to meet Google's conversion thresholds. Additionally, Microsoft doesn't currently support video creatives, so if video is a challenge for you, Microsoft Ads might be a better fit.
Mastering Match Types and Exclusions
Search advertising is often a game of exclusions, focusing on who you don't want to target. Google excels at respecting your negative keyword lists and audience exclusions. On the other hand, social platforms like Meta have recently removed demographic exclusions, requiring you to be more precise in your audience targeting. If you're struggling with exclusions, try building audience lists on Meta (even without running ads) to refine your targeting strategy.
Did You Know about the Power of Amazon Audiences?
Amazon Ads offers a treasure trove of audience data, thanks to its vast ecosystem of shopping, streaming, and entertainment platforms. From Amazon Garage and Whole Foods shopping data to Amazon Prime viewing habits, you can tap into a wealth of information to target your ideal customers. This is particularly valuable for businesses in industries like legal, where targeting options might be limited on other platforms.
Conversion Tracking: The Key to Accurate Reporting
Understanding how conversion tracking works across different platforms is crucial for accurate reporting and optimization. While Google Ads allows you to distinguish between primary and secondary conversions, most other platforms don't offer this flexibility. To ensure consistency, consider using a CRM as your source of truth for conversion data, importing it into each ad platform to maintain accuracy and avoid discrepancies.
To learn more from Navah Hopkins, follow her on LinkedIn
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