Do I have to have a website to run Google Ads?

google ads google ads for beginners Jul 12, 2024
a confused woman with the google ads logo on one side and a website on the other

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Running ads for your business might seem intimidating if you don't have a fancy website. But guess what? You don't actually need a website to get started with Google Ads.


You don't need a website to run Google Ads

I know, I know, it sounds counterintuitive. After all, where will people go when they click your ad? But there are a few scenarios where you can skip the website and still reach your audience:

  • Call Ads: Want potential customers to call you directly? Call ads are your answer. These ads show up in search results and let people click to call your business right away.
  • App Promotion: If you're promoting an app, your ads can lead people straight to the download page in their app store. No website detours needed.
  • Video Campaigns: Looking to get more eyes on your brand? Video campaigns on platforms like YouTube can boost your reach and views without requiring a website.

Pretty cool, right? But before you ditch the website idea altogether, there's something else to consider.


Why a Website is Still a Good Idea

While it's true you can run certain Google Ads without a website, having one is still a major advantage. Think of it as your digital storefront – a place where you can showcase your products or services, share your brand story, and build trust with potential customers.

If your business is already making a profit and you're ready to grow, a website is a powerful tool to help you do that. Plus, with options like Google Sites, building a simple website is easier than you might think. All you need is a domain name (around $12 a year) and a little time to set it up.


How to Create a Website with Google Sites 

  1. Buy a domain name: Choose a provider and purchase a domain that reflects your business.
  2. Sign up for Google Sites: It's a free and user-friendly platform for building websites.
  3. Follow the steps: Google Sites will guide you through the process, even if you're not tech-savvy.
  4. Link your domain: Connect your new website to your domain name.

With Google Sites, you can have a basic website up and running within a couple of hours. It might not be fancy, but it's a starting point, and you can always upgrade later.


Want to learn more about how to get the most out of Google Ads?

Whether you have a website or not, Google Ads can be a game-changer for your business. The key is to choose the right type of campaign for your goals.


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