Google Ads tips for Facebook Ads Experts

google ads google ads for beginners Jan 23, 2023
a woman sitting at her laptop feeling frustrated

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Are you a Facebook Ads Specialist who also "does Google"? If so, I’ve got some very quick, very important tips for you. I’m a Google Ads coach who teaches marketers like you how to become Google Ads experts, so you can add this service offering for your clients/team. In fact, the Google Ads sales teams bring me in to do Google Ads training - at Google!

But let’s dive into it: the most common mistakes that Meta Ads practitioners make in Google Ads.


1. Watch your keyword match types

Don't forget to use match types for your keywords! 

While match types aren't necessary, make sure that if you are using Broad match, you understand how it works. Once you do... you'll probably want to use Exact match.

2. Review your search terms report and audience report

Facebook Ads may not tell you how each individual audience / interest is performing, but Google Ads does!

Review your search terms report weekly for Search/Shopping campaigns, and your audience report weekly for Display/Demand Gen/YouTube campaigns, so you can make adjustments as needed.


3. Fill out your Responsive Search Ads

A Responsive Search Ad should have at least 10 headlines (up to 15) and at least 3 descriptions (up to 3).

Think of the description like the "Primary text," not like a Meta Ads "description."


To conclude…

As you can see, running successful Google Ads campaigns requires expertise and attention to detail. Even the most experienced Facebook Ads experts can make mistakes when running Google Ads. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can set yourself up for success, maximize your return on investment, and ensure that your Google Ads campaigns are as effective as possible.

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