Google Ads trick for better results: Custom segments

audiences google ads targeting Feb 14, 2023
a happy woman pointing at the google ads logo

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

I'm a Google Ads Expert, and I’m shocked that most people don't know this Google Ads trick! It's one of the most powerful ways to reach high-intent customers outside of Search campaigns.

Here it is: You can show DISPLAY, DEMAND GEN and VIDEO ads to people based on what they've SEARCHED for on Google.⁠ It’s called a custom segment, here’s how you can create your own.

Google Ads Custom segments

In Google Ads, go to Tools > Shared Library > Audience Manager > Custom Segments, then create a new custom segment.⁠

Think: What are your ideal customers searching for on Google?⁠

👉 your product category?⁠

👉 the problem they're facing?⁠

👉 the best solution?⁠

👉 your competitors?

Type in those terms, and save your audience.

Now, when you create a Display, Demand Gen or Video campaign, you can show your ads to those highly qualified users.⁠ This is a very cost-effective strategy because display CPCs are generally cheaper than search CPCs.

To conclude…

Creating custom segments in Google Ads is a powerful way to target very specific groups of users. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Google Ads user, learning how to create and leverage custom segments can help you get the most out of your campaigns and drive better results for your business.

To learn more about Google Ads custom segments, check out this in-depth article I wrote for WordStream.

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