Is it bad to pin headlines in Google Ads?

ad creative google ads metrics Apr 17, 2024
a screenshot of the google ads interface showing a responsive search ad with pinned headlines and poor ad strength

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Many advertisers, from beginners to seasoned pros, grapple with this decision and its impact on Ad Strength: to pin or not to pin? Today, we're tackling this head-on to help you understand pinning, its pros and cons, and when it might be the right move for your ad campaigns.


The Pinning Predicament: Why Does Google Dislike It?

Google Ads prefers unpinned headlines because they allow for more combinations and flexibility in ad delivery. When you pin a headline, you limit the number of possible variations Google can test, potentially hindering its ability to find the most effective combinations for your target audience.


Why would anyone pin headlines in the first place?

While pinning headlines can be a double-edged sword, there are valid reasons why some advertisers choose to do so:

  • Regulatory Requirements: Certain industries have strict regulations that require specific disclosures or phrases to be included in ads. Pinning ensures these requirements are met consistently.
  • Brand Consistency: Pinning can help maintain a consistent brand voice and messaging across all ad variations.
  • Emphasis on Key Messages: Pinning allows you to highlight specific promotions, offers, or unique selling propositions in your headlines.


How Does Pinning Impact Ad Strength?


Pinning headlines will typically result in a lower Ad Strength score. However, it's important to remember that Ad Strength is just a diagnostic tool and doesn't directly impact your ad's performance in the auction. While a high Ad Strength is generally desirable, it shouldn't be the sole factor in your decision to pin or not to pin.


Navigating the Pinning Puzzle: A Balanced Approach

Ultimately, the decision to pin or not to pin comes down to your specific needs and goals. While pinning can be a helpful tool in certain situations, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider the potential impact on your ad performance.


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