What can I do if CPCs in my industry are very high?

audiences budgeting google ads keywords targeting Mar 08, 2024
a woman shaking out an empty-seeming wallet

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Is the high cost-per-click (CPC) in your niche making it tough to compete on Google Ads? Here are ssome trategic ways to tackle high CPCs and still achieve your advertising goals.

Why CPC Matters (and How to Tackle It)

A CPC is the average amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. In competitive niches, this cost can skyrocket, making it difficult to get the visibility you need on a limited budget. But with the right approach, you can still make Google Ads work for you. 


In this post, I'll share three of the many things you can do to tackle high CPCs and maximizing your ad budget in competitive niches. We'll explore audience targeting, video advertising, and keyword tactics to help you reach the right people at the right time (with the right budget).

1. Get Audience Targeting Working In Your Favour

Refine your Search campaigns by applying audiences on Targeting mode. This limits your reach to users most likely to convert, ensuring your budget is spent on high-potential clicks.

2. Turn Cheap Video Clicks Into Powerful Data Segments

Video ads on YouTube can be surprisingly cost-effective, with cost-per-view (CPV) often much lower than search CPCs. Create engaging video content that showcases your brand, and then remarket to viewers who've watched your videos. This two-pronged approach can drive high-quality traffic to your website at a fraction of the cost of search ads alone.

3. Pick Even Niche-r Keywords

When CPCs in your niche are expensive, you want to ensure you're showing ads on the most specific, highest-intent searches. For example, [accounting software for small business] rather than simply [accounting software].



Even in competitive niches with high CPCs, strategic advertising can make a significant impact. By using audience targeting, video advertising, and long-tail keywords, you can effectively reach your target audience and drive valuable conversions without breaking the bank.

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