When and how should you change bid strategies in Google Ads?

bidding google ads Sep 20, 2024
a man looking at his laptop, feeling frustrated, because he doesn't know what Google ads bid strategy to choose

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

As a business owner or marketer, you know that Google Ads can be a powerful tool for driving traffic and generating leads. But if you're new to Google Ads, you might be wondering when is the right time to switch bid strategies and how to do it effectively. In this post, I'll explain the 30-day, 30-conversion rule, and when to switch from a Maximize Conversions to a Target CPA strategy. We'll also discuss why experiments might not always be the best approach.


The 30-Day, 30-Conversion Rule: A Google Ads Benchmark

This rule of thumb suggests that you need at least 30 conversions within a 30-day period for Google's smart bidding to function optimally. Smart Bidding relies on machine learning to set bids for your ads automatically, aiming to achieve your desired goals, such as maximizing conversions or achieving a specific target cost per acquisition (CPA).


When to Switch from Maximize Conversions to Target CPA

If you're currently using a Maximize Conversions bid strategy and averaging at least one conversion per day with satisfactory results (meaning your actual CPA is close to your desired CPA), it's time to consider switching to a Target CPA strategy. This strategy allows you to set a specific CPA goal, and Google's Smart Bidding will adjust your bids to try to achieve that target.


How to Switch Bid Strategies: No Need for Experiments

Contrary to what some might suggest, you don't necessarily need to run an experiment to test a new bid strategy. In fact, experiments can be counterproductive when dealing with Maximize bid strategies. Here's why:

  • Experiments create two separate campaigns: This means your budget is split, potentially hindering the learning process for both campaigns.
  • Changing budgets affects bids: With Maximize strategies, altering your budget directly impacts your bids. Running an experiment would essentially cut your budget in half, forcing Google Ads to adjust your bids downward for both the control and experiment campaigns.

Instead, if you're happy with your current results, simply make the switch directly within your existing campaign.


Step-by-Step Guide to Switching to Target CPA

  1. Set Your Target CPA: Start by setting your target CPA at your actual CPA for the last 30 days.
  2. Allow for Stabilization: Give your campaign 5-7 days to stabilize and adjust to the new bid strategy.
  3. Monitor and Adjust: After the stabilization period, you can gradually adjust your target CPA in 10-20% increments if needed. Remember to monitor your results closely and make adjustments as necessary.


Mastering Google Ads bid strategies is crucial for maximizing your return on investment. Remember the 30-day, 30-conversion rule, and consider switching from Maximize Conversions to Target CPA when you're achieving satisfactory results. Avoid unnecessary experiments and focus on making direct changes within your existing campaign. By following these tips and continuously monitoring your performance, you'll be well on your way to better Google Ads performance.

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