Which is better for Google Ads conversion tracking: Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager?

google ads tools Feb 16, 2024
two gladiators fighting, representing google analytics vs google tag manager

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

If you're running Google Ads, accurate conversion tracking is essential for measuring the success of your campaigns and making data-driven decisions. But with multiple options available, which one should you choose? Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or Google Tag Manager (GTM)?

This post will break down the pros and cons of each option, helping you decide which one is the best fit for your business.


Google Ads conversion tracking with Google Analytics 4 (GA4): The Easy, DIY Option

GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, and it comes with built-in conversion tracking capabilities. Here's why you might want to consider using GA4 to track conversions for your Google Ads campaigns:

  • Easy Setup: GA4 is relatively easy to set up, even for beginners. You can follow a few YouTube tutorials and have your conversion tracking up and running in no time.
  • User-Friendly: GA4's interface is intuitive and easy to navigate (compared to GTM, that is), making it simple to manage your conversions.
  • Sufficient for Most Businesses: For many businesses, GA4's conversion tracking is more than enough to get the job done.

However, GA4 has a few drawbacks:

  • Less Accurate: GA4's conversion tracking might not be as accurate as GTM, especially for complex conversions.
  • Limited Functionality: GA4 doesn't offer the same level of customization and flexibility as GTM.
  • Conversion Delay: There can be a slight delay in GA4's conversion reporting.


Google Ads conversion tracking with Google Tag Manager (GTM): The Powerhouse

GTM is a powerful tool that allows you to manage and deploy various tracking codes on your website, including conversion tracking for Google Ads. Here's why GTM might be a good choice for you:

  • More Accurate: GTM offers more accurate conversion tracking, especially for complex conversions with multiple steps.
  • More Customizable: GTM gives you more control over your conversion tracking, allowing you to track a wide range of events and pass more data to Google Ads.
  • No Conversion Delay: GTM's conversion tracking is typically faster than GA4.

However, GTM has its own challenges:

  • Steeper Learning Curve: GTM is more complex than GA4 and requires a higher level of technical expertise.
  • Requires Expert Help: If you're not familiar with GTM, you'll likely need to hire a developer or Google Tag Manager specialist to set it up for you.


So, Which One Should You Choose? 

The best choice for you depends on your specific needs and resources. If you're just starting out with Google Ads or have limited technical skills, Google Analytics is a great option. It's easy to set up, user-friendly, and sufficient for most businesses.

However, if you need more accurate and customizable conversion tracking, and you have the resources to invest in Google Tag Manager, it's the way to go. Just be prepared for a steeper learning curve or consider hiring an expert.

Remember, the most important thing is to have accurate conversion tracking in place, regardless of which tool you use. If GA4 meets your needs, don't feel pressured to switch to GTM just because it's more advanced. Start with what works for you and gradually upgrade as your business grows.

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