Why Are My Keywords Showing Up in My Google Ads Headlines?

ad creative google ads keywords targeting Apr 10, 2024
a screenshot of a google search engine results page for the search keyword research tool, showing an semrush ad

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Keywords magically appearing in your Google Ads headlines when you don't want them there? If you've tried troubleshooting to no avail, let's solve this mystery and get those headlines under control.


Why Are My Keywords Showing Up in Headlines?

There are a few likely culprits:

  1. Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI): This feature is designed to insert your chosen keywords directly into your ad headlines to boost relevancy. If you've used DKI, double-check your Responsive Search Ads to ensure it's not causing the issue. You can easily disable or modify DKI within your ad. 
  2. Performance Max Campaigns: If you're running Performance Max campaigns alongside your Search campaigns, the culprit might lie there. Performance Max ads are automatically generated, and keywords might appear in headlines without your direct control. Review your Performance Max ads to see if they're the source of the problem.
  3. Dynamic Search Ads: Dynamic Search Ads create headlines based on your website content and the user's search. DSAs don't have keywords, but they can place the user's search into the headline.


Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Review Your Ads: Carefully examine all active ads, including Search, Shopping, and Performance Max
  2. Check DKI Settings: If you're using DKI, make sure it's configured correctly and that the keywords you've selected are appropriate for your headlines.
  3. Evaluate Performance Max: Analyze your Performance Max campaigns to see if they're generating ads with unwanted keywords in headlines.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If you're still stumped, consider consulting a Google Ads expert or reaching out to Google Ads support for assistance.

Pro Tip: To maintain a professional look for your ads, avoid using broken English or low-quality keywords in your campaigns. Instead, focus on relevant, high-performing keywords that accurately reflect your products or services.


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