Can you use Performance Max for lead generation?

google ads lead generation performance max Oct 11, 2024
a google-created graphic showing how performance max can run on all inventory to show custom ads to different people

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Performance Max campaigns have become a controversial topic in the Google Ads world. Are they suitable for lead generation businesses? The short answer is: it depends. While Performance Max offers automation and reach across Google's platforms, it's definitely not a surefire success for every business.

This matters because choosing the right campaign type is crucial in Google Ads. Let's discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Performance Max, specifically for lead generation, so you can make informed decisions and avoid wasting your budget.

In this post, we'll explore:

  • The four key requirements for Performance Max to be effective
  • Why lead gen businesses often struggle with Performance Max
  • The importance of full-funnel conversion tracking
  • How to set up your lead gen campaigns for success, with or without Performance Max


The Performance Max Checklist: Should you use PMax?

Before diving into Performance Max, ensure you have these four elements in place:

  1. High-Quality Audience Data: Performance Max thrives on data. The more first-party data you have about your ideal customers, the better it can optimize your bidding and targeting.
  2. Engaging Ad Creatives: Performance Max utilizes various ad formats across Google's platforms. Provide compelling creatives (text, images, videos) to capture attention and drive engagement.
  3. Sufficient Budget and Patience: Performance Max needs time to learn and optimize. Allocate a reasonable budget (minimum $50/day for at least 2-3 months) and allow the campaign to run for a while before making significant changes.
  4. Full-Funnel Conversion Tracking: This is crucial for lead gen. Track not only lead submissions but also the quality and value of those leads (e.g., which leads convert into paying customers). This is called offline conversion tracking.


Why Lead Gen Businesses Fail with Performance Max

Many lead gen businesses fall short on the fourth requirement: full-funnel conversion tracking. Without this offline conversion data, Performance Max can drive a high volume of leads, but it won't be able to distinguish between high-quality and low-quality leads.

Imagine sending a runner on a race without telling them where the finish line is. They might run fast, but they won't reach the destination effectively. Similarly, Performance Max needs clear signals about which leads are valuable to optimize your campaigns successfully.


Offline Conversion Tracking is Key for Lead Gen businesses

Whether you use Performance Max or other campaign types, implementing robust conversion tracking is essential for effective lead generation.

  • Enhanced Conversions: Send data about your leads (e.g., names, phone numbers) to Google Ads to improve measurement and optimization.
  • Offline Conversion Tracking: Track conversions that happen offline, such as phone calls or in-person meetings, to provide a complete picture of your campaign performance.
  • Value-Based Bidding: If you can assign values to different lead types, use value-based bidding strategies to optimize for higher-value leads.


Performance Max: A Viable Option for Lead Gen - With the Right Foundation

If you have a solid foundation with full-funnel conversion tracking and the other requirements in place, Performance Max can be a powerful tool for lead generation. Its automation and reach can help you discover new audiences and run your campaigns for maximum efficiency.

However, if your conversion tracking is lacking, focus on building that foundation first. This will not only improve your Performance Max campaigns (if you choose to use them) but also benefit any other Google Ads campaigns you run.

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