Should You Only Use Exact Match Keywords in Google Ads?

google ads keywords targeting Sep 16, 2024
a laptop screen showing exact match keywords and phrase match keywords in Google ads

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

It's tempting to think that Exact Match keywords in Google Ads are a silver bullet solution. After all, aren't Exact Match keywords the key to cost-effectiveness and high conversion rates? While Exact Match keywords certainly have their merits, relying solely on them, especially at a large scale, might not be the most strategic approach.


The Pros and Cons of Exact Match Keywords in Google Ads

Exact Match keywords offer the most precise control over when your ads appear, which means you're more likely to short ads that are relevant to user queries. This often translates to higher conversion rates, as users are more likely to take action when they see an ad that directly addresses their search. However, Exact Match keywords can also lead to higher cost-per-click (CPC) and, more importantly, limited reach. Managing your Exact Match keywords (and negative keywords) can also be very time consuming. 


Exact Match keywords can't scale

While Exact Match may work well for smaller accounts with a limited number of keywords and limited budgets, managing hundreds or thousands of Exact Match keywords can become a logistical nightmare. The time and effort required to optimize such a large-scale campaign can be overwhelming, and often not worth it.


Leverage Google's Automation to Scale Your Account

For larger accounts with extensive keyword lists, embracing Google's automation capabilities is really the way to go. Broad Match keywords paired with Smart Bidding allow Google's algorithms to optimize your campaigns for maximum performance. Will they show your ads on the most perfect queries every single time? No. But with the right budget, time and patience, they will get there. Dynamic Search Ads can also be an effective tool for reaching a wider audience and capturing relevant search queries you might have missed.


Finding the Right Balance between Reach & Efficiency

Ultimately, the best keyword strategy depends on your goals, budget, and resources. While Exact Match keywords can be valuable, don't discount the power of automation and broader match types, especially for larger campaigns.

Remember, the goal is to work with Google's technology, not against it, to achieve sustainable results. 

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