The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads Quality Score

google ads metrics Oct 23, 2024
a laptop with the google ads logo on screen and an article called "about quality score"

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Ever feel like Google Ads Quality Score is a mystery, like some secret code you just can't crack? You're not alone! Many advertisers struggle to understand this metric and how it impacts their campaigns.

But here's the truth: Quality Score is vital to understanding how to improve your Google Ads performance. It influences your ad's position, how much you pay per click, and even how often your ads are shown.


Why Should You Care About Quality Score?

Think of Quality Score as Google's way of judging how relevant and helpful your ads are to users. A higher score tells Google that your ads are a good match for search queries, which leads to:

  • Lower costs: You'll pay less for each click, stretching your budget further.
  • Better ad positioning: Your ads are more likely to appear at the top of the search results page, increasing visibility.
  • Improved campaign performance: Getting high quality clicks for a low CPC means a better return on your ad investment.


Understanding the 3 Pillars of Quality Score

Quality Score is based on three core components:

1. Ad Relevance: This measures how closely your ad matches the user's search intent.

  • How to improve it:
    • Use relevant keywords in your ad copy and headlines.
    • Ensure your ad text accurately reflects what's on your landing page.
    • Tailor your ads to different ad groups, don't just copy/paste the same one across your account.

2. Expected CTR: This predicts how likely someone is to click on your ad when it's shown.

  • How to improve it:
    • Write compelling ad copy that grabs attention.
    • Use strong call-to-action phrases
    • Highlight unique selling points to differentiate your ads.
    • Use ad assets (formerly known as ad extensions) to provide more information and encourage clicks.

3. Landing Page Experience: This assesses how relevant and user-friendly your landing page is to the user.

  • How to improve it:
    • Make sure your landing page loads quickly.
    • Optimize for mobile devices.
    • Ensure your landing page content matches the ad's message.
    • Make it easy for users to navigate and find what they're looking for.


How to Find and Improve Your Quality Score

  1. Go to the Keywords view: In your Google Ads account, navigate to the "Keywords" section.
  2. Add the Quality Score columns: Click on "Columns" and add these four columns to your report: Quality Score, Expected CTR, Ad Relevance, and Landing Page Experience.
  3. Analyze your scores: Look for patterns and areas for improvement. Don't obsess over individual scores; focus on overall trends within your ad groups.
  4. Prioritize Ad Relevance: Aim for "Above average" or "Average" for this metric. It's the easiest to control and has a significant impact.
  5. Boost Your Expected CTR: Use Auction Insights to see how your CTR compares to competitors. Improve your ad copy and keyword targeting to increase click-through rate.
  6. Don't Panic Over Landing Page Experience: This is often the hardest to fix, especially if you don't control the website. Focus on Ad Relevance and Expected CTR first.


Quality Score: A Key Pillar for Google Ads Success

While Quality Score might seem intimidating, it's simply a guide to help you create more effective Google Ads campaigns. By understanding its components and taking steps to improve them, you can achieve better ad performance, lower your costs, and drive more valuable traffic to your website.

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