Will My Competitors See the Same Auction Insights as Me?

google ads metrics Jul 19, 2024
an arm wrestle with the google ads logo

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Have you ever wondered if your Google Ads Auction Insights match up with your competitors'? It's a common question, and the answer lies in the unique way these insights are calculated for each advertiser. Let's dive into how Auction Insights work and what they mean for your Google Ads strategy.


Auction Insights in Google Ads are tailored to each advertiser

Auction Insights give you a snapshot of who you're competing against for ad space on Google. But here's the thing: these insights are relative to your targeting and the impressions you were eligible for. That means your competitors' Auction Insights will be different because their eligible impressions won't perfectly align with yours.


Why Impression Share Matters in Google Ads

Impression Share is the percentage of impressions your ads receive out of the total number they were eligible to receive. This metric offers valuable clues about your budget, bidding strategy, targeting, ad quality, and competition.

  • Budget and Bidding: Low Impression Share could mean your budget is too small or your bids are too low.
  • Targeting: If your targeting is too broad, it can be difficult to achieve a solid Impression Share.
  • Ad Quality: Low-quality ads can lead to lower Impression Share due to lower Ad Rank.
  • Competition: Fierce competition can make it harder to win impressions.


Is Low Impression Share Bad?

It depends. A low Impression Share isn't inherently bad, but it's a signal to investigate further. If you're putting a lot of effort into a campaign that rarely shows your ads, it might be time to reassess your strategy.

Don't get too hung up on Impression Share, though. It's just one piece of the puzzle. Focus on understanding your target audience, crafting compelling ads, and refining your bidding strategy. 

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