Google Ads and Spam Leads: Expert Strategies to Fight Back

ad formats google ads lead generation Sep 30, 2024

By: Jyll Saskin Gales, Google Ads Coach

Think you're dealing with fake leads from your Google Ads campaigns? Before hitting the panic button, it's important to understand the difference between unqualified leads and fake leads. While both can be frustrating, they require different solutions.

Unqualified leads come from real people who might not be the right fit for your business.

Fake leads, on the other hand, are generated by bots or automated systems, often with malicious intent.

This post will help you identify the source of those leads and implement effective strategies to stop them.


Here's what we'll explore:

  • How to tell if you're dealing with unqualified or fake leads
  • Tactics to combat fake leads caused by bots or spam
  • Strategies to refine your targeting and attract better-qualified leads
  • Tips for optimizing your bidding strategy to prioritize quality over quantity


Identifying the Spam Lead Culprit: Unqualified Leads vs. Fake Leads

Not all leads are created equal. A high volume of calls or form submissions might seem promising, but it's crucial to analyze the quality of those leads.

  • Unqualified leads are often real people who express interest but ultimately don't convert into customers. They might be tire-kickers, misinformed about your offerings, or simply not ready to buy.
  • Fake leads are generated by bots or automated systems, resulting in phony contact information or spam inquiries. These can disrupt your sales process and waste valuable time and resources.


Fighting Fake Leads: Tech Solutions and Targeting Tactics

If you suspect fake leads are plaguing your campaigns, here's how to fight back:

  • Tech Solutions: Implement reCAPTCHA on your website forms to prevent bots from submitting spam entries. Explore options to filter or block suspicious phone numbers. For example, many "spam" calls may originate from telemarketers or people who found your number through public domain registration.
  • Targeting Tune-Up: Refine your audience targeting to attract more qualified leads:
    • Audience Exclusions: Exclude demographics or interests that don't align with your ideal customer profile. For instance, if your products are exclusively for homeowners, exclude renters from your targeting.
    • Combined Segments: Layer your targeting options to reach users who meet multiple criteria. For example, target users who have visited your website AND demonstrated a specific interest relevant to your offerings.


Bidding Strategies and Offline Conversion Tracking Help Fight Spam

Your bidding strategy plays a crucial role in attracting quality leads. Consider these optimizations:

  • Conversion-Focused Bidding: Prioritize conversions over clicks or impressions. This signals to Google Ads to prioritize placements and audiences more likely to result in valuable actions.
  • Offline Conversion Tracking: If you're tracking conversions that happen offline, such as phone calls or in-person sales, ensure you've implemented offline conversion tracking in Google Ads. This provides accurate data and helps optimize your campaigns for genuine, valuable conversions.


Demand Gen campaigns: higher quality traffic

If you're struggling to eliminate fake leads from your Display Remarketing campaigns, consider using Demand Gen campaigns instead. Demand Gen campaigns run ads exclusively on Google-owned properties, which typically have better safeguards against bots and fraudulent activity.

By implementing these strategies, you can minimize fake leads, attract more qualified prospects, and improve the overall effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns.


Don't forget to subscribe to my free Google Ads newsletter, The Insider, for more expert advice and strategies to optimize your campaigns and drive real results.

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